How to Use

How to use the Pivot Levels.


1) Pivot is an important value. Usually, if the price is above the Pivot, it is considered bullish and if the price is below the Pivot, it is considered bearish.

2) Input the appropriate values in the calculator and it will generate Pivot Level and 3 support levels (S1, S2, S3) and 3 resistance levels (R1, R2, R3).


3) There are few scenarios mentioned below on how to trade when the price is between any 2 levels.

A.Price below the Pivot but above S1:

In this case, you should buy above Pivot (If the price reaches above Pivot) and sell below S1 (if the prices goes below S1).

इस मामले में, आपको Pivot के ऊपर खरीदना चाहिए (यदि मूल्य Pivot से ऊपर पहुंचता है) और S1 से नीचे बेचते हैं (यदि कीमतें S1 से नीचे जाती हैं)।


B.Price is above Pivot but below R1:

In this case, you should buy above R1 (if the price reaches above R1) and sell below Pivot (if the price goes below Pivot).

इस स्थिति में, आपको R1 से ऊपर खरीदना चाहिए (यदि मूल्य R1 से ऊपर पहुंचता है) और Pivot के नीचे बेचना चाहिए (यदि मूल्य Pivot से नीचे जाता है)।


C. The price is between R1 and R2 :

In this case, you should buy above R2 (if the price reaches above R2) and sell below Pivot (if the price reaches below Pivot). It is important here not to sell below R1. You must sell only below Pivot.

इस स्थिति में, आपको R2 (यदि मूल्य R2 से ऊपर पहुँचता है) के ऊपर खरीदना चाहिए और Pivot के नीचे बेचना चाहिए (यदि मूल्य Pivot के नीचे पहुँचता है)। यहां यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि R1 के नीचे न बेचा जाए। आपको केवल Pivot के नीचे बेचना होगा।


D. The price is between S1 and S2 :

In this case, you should buy above Pivot (if the price reaches above Pivot) and sell below S2 (if the price reaches below S2). It is important here not to buy above S1. You must buy only above Pivot.

इस मामले में, आपको Pivot के ऊपर खरीदना चाहिए (यदि मूल्य Pivot से ऊपर पहुंचता है) और S2 से नीचे बेचना हैं (यदि कीमत S2 से नीचे पहुंचती है)। यहां यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि S1 से ऊपर न खरीदें। आपको केवल Pivot के ऊपर खरीदना होगा


E. The price is between S2 and S3 :

Same rule applies as mentioned in point D. Buy above Pivot and Sell below S3.

F. The price is between R2 and R3 :

Same rule applies as mentioned in point C. Buy above R3 and Sell below Pivot.

Caution: You should always trade using both charts and Levels together. Charts at times work better than Levels, and vice versa. You need to take advantage of which one works well during real trades. When you combine and use both charts and the Pivot Level technique, you have a high probability of trades. Whether the Pivot calculator can be used as a STANDALONE basis, is only for the trader to decide.